


Every year, we see an influx of patients in late February, March and April who made a New Year’s Resolution to improve their health, but went “too much, too fast” and spent a lot of time and monies for the wrong advice. They then spend the next 8-12 weeks with us, getting back on track. Let our therapists guide you through a successful New Year’s Plan so that you steadily improve through the first quarter, saving money and time while achieving or exceeding your goals.

Rather than going gangbusters in January, then getting injured or burnt out, the goal/resolution should be “to be better at this time next year”.  Accomplishing this requires serious, steady and proper progression with expert help. 

“I failed to make proper use of my HSA account until last year when I used it to setup and pay for a series of 10 sessions with BreakThrough.  I began treatment for some ‘minor’ back issues I’d been putting off for several months because it wasn’t ‘that bad’.  I saw them for 2 sessions in December to get started and completed the rest through January and February.  I cannot tell you how much these sessions changed the way I move and feel.  I now have confidence in doing things with my wife and kids as a result!  Tell all your patients to not let their benefits go to waste and take action!”


Note that you should be able to use your HSA, FSA, MSA or HRA monies which are often “use or lose” as of December 31st. Note that the benefit is based on when you pay for the services, not when they are rendered. See IRS references below:
  • IRS Publication 969
    “Qualified medical expenses.   Qualified medical expenses are those expenses that would generally qualify for the medical and dental expenses deduction. These are explained in Publication 502.
  • IRS Publication 502
    “What Expenses Can You Include This Year?
    You can include only the medical and dental expenses you paid this year, regardless of when the services were provided. (But see Decedent under Whose Medical Expenses Can You Include, for an exception.) If you pay medical expenses by check, the day you mail or deliver the check generally is the date of payment. If you use a “pay-by-phone” or “online” account to pay your medical expenses, the date reported on the statement of the financial institution showing when payment was made is the date of payment. If you use a credit card, include medical expenses you charge to your credit card in the year the charge is made, not when you actually pay the amount charged….
    Therapy – You can include in medical expenses amounts you pay for therapy received as medical treatment.”

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